A review by mimiilla
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves


*I received an ARC of this book from Penguin Teen in exchange for an honest review*

Head on over to my blog to check out the full review: https://yabookalicious.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/blood-rose-rebellion-by-rosalyn-eves/

For me, this book was not my cup of tea. The prose was incredibly elegant, but at times I found myself not focusing. A lot of the time, I had to force my attention back to the book and plot, which was very frustrating.

One thing that I caught myself thinking: it's like the author tried to fit too many genres in one book. I went in to the book expecting a historical fiction with romance and magic. Don't get me wrong, it had all these things! It just had other elements I wasn't expecting.
SpoilerThe whole thing with the monsters completely threw me for a loop. Also chimaera?? That was really random.

Another thing I wanted to talk about: the romance. I was expecting an average amount of romance, and maybe the dreaded love triangle. For me, there wasn't particularly a lot of romance, which I didn't particularly like.

I think someone who enjoys historical fiction would absolutely love this book! I just wasn't particularly head over heels for it.

That being said, I will definitely read the other books! I believe it's going to be a trilogy.