A review by hidekisohma
Another Fine Myth by Robert Lynn Asprin


So i had NO expectations going into this book. all i knew was that it was short, fantasy, and had a neat cover.

Did i like it? Yeah. yeah i did.

It's kind of a typical "Defeat the evil guy who killed my mentor" story, but it does it VERY tongue in cheek and a lot more humor than anything. The naive MC is dialed up to 11 but it works as it's ALMOST a parody of fantasy novels.

The story reads insanely fast and there's hardly any description. I will tell you this now, if you're a fan of purple prose or lengthy descriptions like Robert Jordan you will NOT like this book. It assumes you can just create a world in your head with a line like "there was a row of brightly lit tents" that's basically all you get. The thing is, i LOVE little description. I have a very vivid imagination so i can create a world basically from just dialogue and a few choice descriptive words. So for me, it was a breath of fresh air. But for others, i can see this not being their cup of tea.

The demon, Aahz, does a lot of double talk and flim-flamming in this story and that's probably the only thing about it i didn't like. i'm not really a fan of smooth talking salesman characters and Aahz has his moments of that.

Without giving too much away, the finale was...very unexpected. it was one of those situations where there's like 20 pages in the book and they're nowhere NEAR wrapping it up so you're like "how in the world are they gonna do this?" and to my surprise they managed to do it. it wasn't the most SATISFYING ending ever, but like James Cromwell said "That'll do pig, that'll do."

All in all, it was very energetic, light hearted and fun. I feel more fantasy novels need to take a page from this and be more fun. So many are dark, depressing, or bogged down with descriptive lore that it loses its goal. to have the reader have fun. This book managed to accomplish that in a relatively fast pace. I absolutely will be reading the 2nd book in the series. 4 out of 5.