A review by solly
Wilder Girls by Rory Power


This was so good and so weird and I really liked it

I was a little bit apprehensive starting this book because I had read mixed reviews but I honestly loved it. It took me a little while to get used to the writing style (is it due to the French translation or the original writing? Who knows?) but after that it was just a fun, gory, gay wild ride!

I think I really like body horror-y stuff so this was my jam. I actually don't read that much horror even though I think I'd like it because I don't know where to start in my search for diverse, non-offensive horror but this made me want to read more because I really enjoyed the gory stuff.

It was also super gay and I loved it. The characters were all messy, dangerous girls and the main f/f relationship was super messy too, but I mean, in these circumstances, what else would you expect from these girls?

I wanted more from the ending. Objectively I think it's quite a good decision to end it where it did end, but it also leaves many many questions without answer and it frustrates me a little bit.

EDIT: You know what, I sat with my feelings about this ending for a while longer and I feel like I like it more now. It doesn't give out all the answers, and I feel like it's because it doesn't take the reader into account, not over the characters. The characters give less of a fuck about explaining what happened to them than finding a solution to avoid it, so they don't take time to find too many answers. I like that. I like that the characters' motivations are more important than the readers' need for clear answers/resolution.