A review by oddgirlsmedia
She'll Steal Your Heart by Rachel Lacey


Lauren spent the last year running from her problems, including the robbery she committed to help her brother. Now she’s back to clean up the mess she made, but first she is going to meet up with the only friends she has left. Her online friends, and her fanfic writing, has kept her going the last year. Especially her friendship with, ex-lawyer and now Cat Cafe owner, Mia Solano. When they discover a shared connected to Lauren’s crime Mia has to revisit her old life to help.

For a book where the main character has a felony charge there is a surprisingly low about of angst. Lauren and Mia’s relationship is a classic friends to lovers tale. Mia is starting to live her life after a divorce and career change, and is able to offer help getting Lauren back on her feet. With uncertainty due to her legal issues, Lauren is able to care for Mia in different ways. Their friendship is loving, and the progression to a romantic relationship is almost a forgone conclusion.

I loved the representation of fandom in this book! Lauren’s path to becoming a published author reflects so many of the authors I love to read. Although now I want to know what fandoms Rachel Lacey is a part of.

Sidenote: I always appreciate the acknowledgments section of a book, and Lacey lays out exactly how this book came to be. Particularly in regard to its place in her book universe and the character profile changes throughout the outlining process.