A review by eloiseinparis
Ghost by Carole Cummings


I could have given it three stars but I am so over books the have this many flashbacks. Editor's please, please, please tell your writer's to tell a linear story. No not because people are stupid, or because when it comes to time we are a linear species, but because when you are reading a story that constantly goes back, it never feels like the story is moving forward.

Also I understand that you the author have lived in this world with the character's for days on end. Me, not so much. The writing was as if this was the seventh book in a series and readers would be on board. Well, no its the first book. With countries, language, God's, and even a calendar that were not explained.

The silliest thing about this book, the main character hear's the voices of the ancestor's in his head. 344 pages not once do we hear what they say or see him take action based on their directions. And of course we were left with a cliffhanger, so no action, no resolution.

I will say that it was written in a lyrical style that was nice, but if I just wanted to read pretty words that don't mean anything to me I could just hangout in the greeting card aisle.