A review by nikolinaza
Hate List by Jennifer Brown


Well... took me long enough to finish this. It got boring in the middle so I had to stop for a while, but eventually I made it to the end. And I had a little river in my eyes after reading this :')

I have nothing much to say about this book. It was a good read. But seriously, Val's father is the worst. I've been dying to meet him in person, smack his head so hard my hands hurt, and had him rolling down the cliff. And Val's mother is not much better, she is whiny and sooo annoying it hurts. Both of them kept on blaming Val for something she didn't do. (Well yes, I have my very own hate list too, but I never intended to shoot everyone on that list. And if I happen to discuss it with my boyfriend and he shoot everyone in that list, that doesn't mean I want that to be happen.) They just made Val's condition worse--I hope she moved with Dr. Hieler instead (but it's impossible, I know).