A review by bosbie
Chemistry by Weike Wang


The prose is disjointed and there's barely any plot. The main protagonist is unnamed, as is nearly everyone in this story except for her boyfriend, and can be a bit unlikeable with how indecisive and removed from reality she can be. If this is not your thing, don't read this book.

But these points that I've listed are definitely my thing. I adored this book. Chemistry is a introspective, character-driven take on what it's like for a Chinese-American PhD prospect to have a quarter life crisis. Though it's written in the eyes of a non-native English speaker, the sometimes awkward word choices and abrupt sentences didn't bother me. I'd even say it enhanced my reading experience at times, especially in the moments where the protagonist contemplates topics that deal with her upbringing as a child of Chinese immigrants.

I don't want to say a lot about what actually goes on in the story. I went into this book completely blind, and I've find that this is the best way to go about reading Chemistry. It reads more as a stream of consciousness than a conventional three-act story, and realizing things with and about the protagonist without knowing what happens next using this type of storytelling will make you feel like you grew as a person alongside her.

It's a fast read that will impact you without saying much. Give it a try.