A review by roguesmith
Horribly Harry by Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey


This is the second in the Bad Boyfriends series but could be read as a standalone. Harry is a bad boyfriend for hire, with the idea being parents will be so happy to see the back of him they'll be delighted with their child's actual choice.

I loved Harry and Jack, right from the moment they met and Jack turned out to be the sweetest guy on the planet, after the initial misunderstanding was out of the way. There is wonderful demi/ace representation in this book, it's handled so well and I just adored how Jack would let Harry dictate the pace and never asked for more than Harry was willing to give him.

Honestly I love the premise of this whole series, this book felt very different from Ambrose and that's a good thing, they're both great in their own way. Harry and Jack just work perfectly together, and it was so good to get to join them on their journey with very little angst, and a lot of fluff and happy times. I'm so glad I got the chance to read this book.

I received an ARC and this is my honest review.