A review by gatun
SWAT Ed.: Fox & Bull by A.E. Via


I have been fortunate enough to receive review copies of each title in AE Via's Nothing Special Series. Each one has been fantastic and has a review posted. The premise of book 8 is built around Fox, Ivan Hart's 2nd in command, and all-around badass. Fox, whose real name is Mandel Tucker, is burnt out. He works too much to cover his own feelings of living someone else's life. When he is suddenly suspended for only doing his job, he is fed up.

When trouble arises again at the Walker Ranch, Fox volunteers to go help Mr. Walker and his son, Big Bull. Bull has trust issues. He is not happy about Fox being underfoot 24/7. As Bull and Fox circle each other while trying to solve who is sabotaging the ranch, they fail to see the storm until it arrives. When God's voice is heard, Fox has to decide whether to heed his duty or his hope for a new life.

The audiobook was fantastic. Aiden Snow narrates the book. He gives Fox's voice all the command and slyness that his character is known for. He also gives him an unexpected sense of vulnerability. Bull's voice while reflecting his physic also shows his gentleness by being a softer voice. I did not have to change volume settings at all so softer may be the wrong adjective for Bull's voice. The side characters are all well narrated. When the situation becomes dangerous, then as in all Nothing Special titles, the voice of God is heard.