A review by dishalearnstoread
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas


3.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ SPOILERS AHAED!

Were there parts of this book that were truly spectacular ? ABSOLUTELY.

SJM is known to write such deeply satisfying endings for her series and this one just fell a bit flat for me. She’s know for writing stories with twists and turns that take you by surprise while still “making sense” but in this book a lot things just felt random. The men in this book go from being great characters to being insufferable idiots that just drag the plot along while the girls save the day. The parasite thing felt like a cheap magic trick. I didn’t have any more emotional connection to any characters, no major love/hate/fear for anyone. The only major emotion I had towards a character was hatred for Ithan for just being dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb at every possible opportunity.

The CROSSOVER was done really well, it gave you a juicy amount of time with some of your favorite characters without completely upending plot lines in other series. I even started like Nesta a little bit.

I think the first 2 books sets the bar a little too high. They were just total bangers and this one just didn’t live up to that level and I think right now I’m just a splash disappointed. I still think you should read the book, it’s still a fun time, just don’t think too hard about it. I’ll be here waiting for the next ACOTAR book to be announced.