A review by tehani
Chicks Unravel Time: Women Journey Through Every Season of Doctor Who by Una McCormack, Lynne Thomas


I'm a fairly recent Doctor Who convert. Early last year I became hooked thanks to wanting to watch the Neil Gaiman authored episode "The Doctor's Wife", so started with the Eleventh Doctor, and was so enamoured I went immediately back to the beginning of New Who and devoured the lot. Of course I have memories of watching Classic Who when I was a kid, with the Fourth Doctor, K9 and the Daleks being the only real things that I remember. And despite the best efforts of good friends trying to encourage me to embrace a bit of Classic Who now, I've struggled. Well, after reading Chicks Unravel Time, I just want to go back in time myself and be able to watch the whole of Doctor Who from the very beginning!

The essays in this book are passionate, engaging and fascinating, encompassing, as the subtitle suggests, every season of Doctor Who. As we lead up to the 50th anniversary of the airing of the first episode, I can't think of a better way to garner an understanding of the show in its entirety! Some authors focussed on characters, some on story, some on companions, some on production, but all, even those finding fault with some show elements, betray the writer's love for Doctor Who, and this more than anything was a key factor in my own enjoyment.

To be completely honest though, I do have a complaint - I simply wanted more! Some of the essays I really wanted to be longer, and I would have loved to see further exploration of the tie-in media (Big Finish audio plays and the novelisations etc) in relation to the characters being discussed. But really, when the one complaint is that the reader loves the books so much she wishes it was longer? That's a pretty good recommendation I reckon!