A review by freadomlibrary
Beastly Bones by William Ritter


Actual rating 4.5 stars

This review was originally posted at https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/

Plot – 4.5 out of 5 stars
Everything was just better in this second book. It had a faster pace, it was more action packed and it even had a creepy and spooky element that had me on the edge of my seat. There’s suspense and mystery, even more intriguing than the mystery from the first book. It was just as funny as the first, thanks to Jackaby, and full of entertainment and themes of friendship. I’m hopeful that the last book will be the best by far.

Writing Style – 3.5 out of 5 stars
The writing style is getting better but it takes me awhile to get into it in the beginning. It’s light and fast paced. The dialogue is a cross between totally hilarious and informative in regards to the paranormal creatures that are featured. It’s really descriptive and detailed and follows the time period its set in really well. It’s silly and quirky which I appreciate because it fits the story well.

Characters – 4 out of 5 stars
I am really starting to fall in love with this quirky group. Abby is burrowing into my heart little by little. I love her personality and how she’s developing. She’s really smart and clever and that shines in this book a lot. She’s headstrong and determined and I love how she pushes for what she believes in and defends herself against people who think less of her. But at the same time, she’s feminine and wants to be a woman but a woman who can have adventures. She’s trying to figure out how to be herself and what that means and I loved her development! And then there’s Jackaby, who is amazing! He’s exactly the same as he was in the first book. He’s clever and quirky and extremely peculiar. Obviously, he’s incredibly smart about paranormal creatures but he shows a lot of compassion and understanding for Abby in this book. She’s struggling with some of her other relationships and he does the bare minimum for a normal person when it comes to advice but for him, it’s out of this world. I love his character and I want to know more about him and his past. There’s also some new side characters introduced in this book and they were all really interesting and complex. There was a really hilarious rivalry as well as some rough and tough men. AND THERE’S A FEMALE FRIENDSHIP! WOO!

SpoilerI enjoyed this one much more than the first because absolutely everything just got better and better.

The plot is entertaining. We jump right back into the lives of Abigail and Jackaby as a new wave of murders takes them to a farm in a nearby town in the middle of nowhere to search for a missing fossil. I was transported back into their world as soon as the book began. The plot is a lot more action packed in this one. We’re searching for a missing fossil of a HUGE group of fossil that seems to be a new type of dinosaur. This brings a lot more characters, two archeologists, a female reporter and a exotic game hunter. Obviously, this made the plot so exciting! So many different personalities and relationships that made everything so much more entertaining. I found myself incredibly invested in the mystery but also at the same time completely lost. I had no idea what was really going on and I was blown away by the reveal. It was insane! We got to explore a different setting than usual as well as meet new paranormal creatures. That’s one of the parts that I really love about these books because those creatures are not just vampires, werewolves, or your typical paranormal. They’re actually new and interesting and ones I’ve never heard of before. The ending was kind of like a set up for the next book. A new mystery is introduced involving Jenny, a ghost living in Jackaby’s house whom we meet in the first book, about how the mysterious circumstances involving her death. I WANNA KNOW!

Abby is absolutely awesome in my opinion. She’s kind of grappling with her identity in this one. She’s eager to have adventures and study fossils like her father has done her entire life, she gets her passion from him, but at the same time she likes the idea of romance. She’s feminine and demure sometimes and has fantasies of falling in love and so on, more characteristic of a regular woman during that time. I loved that contrast and her development in accepting her personality and the kind of woman she wants to be. Love her and I can’t wait to see more of her.

Jackaby is by far my favorite character in this series. He’s quite sweet in an unconventional way. He’s super weird and quirky and doesn’t understand social norms, but he’s caring and compassionate in his own way. I love him so much! Hank was introduced briefly in the first book but we get to know him a lot more in this one. He’s hilarious! Crazy, addicted to adrenaline, and obsessed with strange creatures, he was the humor in the story but also caught my heart a little bit. Cane is another character we met in the first book and I was so glad that we got to see him again. He’s really sweet and protective and quite adorable but there’s a tough side to him that we got to see in this one. I hope for more interaction and development from him in the next book.

Overall, I really loved this second installment. I’m really enjoying the characters and their development. The plot is entertaining and mysterious. I am looking forward to the (possible) last book in the series to get to know more of the background information to the characters.