A review by briarrose1021
Sophie Washington: The Snitch by Tonya Duncan Ellis


Fifth-grader Sophie Washington has a secret, and the only people who know it are her friends Chloe and Marianna. There's a new girl in her grade at Xavier this year, Lanie; she seemed nice in the beginning, but lately, she's been bullying Sophie and her friends, taking their money and some of their belongings. Still, Sophie doesn't want to tell a teacher because she doesn't want to be seen as a snitch. After all, nobody trusts snitches, and they don't have any friends. Will Sophie be able to stop Lanie's bullying, or will she become a snitch?

This was a great book. Middle school is a tough age for students, and many middle school students have to deal with bullies. At the same time, there is an unspoken rule against tattling on other students, there are times when it becomes necessary. Ellis handled this balance, and the struggle of not knowing what to do, well.

Of course, the new school bully isn't the only thing that Sophie has going on. There's also a family fishing trip, new glasses for herself and Cole, and a strange noise coming from the attic! Sophie's got a lot going on in her life; grab yourself a copy of this book and read along to find out how Sophie deals with this problem!