A review by romancejunkie1025
Between Bloode and Water by Marie Harte


Ok wow so the plot thickens big time in this newest installment of the intriguing and fascinating new paranormal series by Marie Harte. This series is one that I had a little trouble getting into with book one, not going to lie, but the second and third books really took off for me and I have found myself more in love as time goes by. Being a wiccan myself with a special connection to water and earth this story really hit me in the heart and I found myself connecting with Kaia and feeling her fears and pain directly, as she dealt with the issues of her neglectful and ultimately evil mother and the jerk she gave her heart to. The story picks up right where Duncan and Macy’s book ended (Between Bloode and Craft) as Orion is sent on a mission to investigate a strangely disappearing island in the sound and disappears himself for several days while on mission. Kaia is a Sea Nymph that never really came into the powerful magic her mother, the White Sea Witch, hoped she would, but then again she also hasn’t embraced the pure evil her mother seems to relish in either, so there’s that. When she gets a “feeling” her mother might be up to something, Kaia goes to investigate but never thought to find that her psychotic mother had bespelled a vampire, putting not just her life but pretty much the entire world at jeopardy of war. Determined to free the vampire, Kaia overrides her mother’s magic but accidentally partially binds Orion to her own magic and now he is calling her his mate and shit just gets more complicated when she realizes he’s one of the Night Bloode. With the help of a few friends she works to unbind Orion, but in the meantime the sweetness he shows to her makes her fall deeper and deeper under HIS spell, leaving her heartbroken when they are separated and he rails at her for something far beyond her control. Can Orion get over himself and his fears in time to understand their true connection or will the true evil stalking them take away his mate forever before he ever has a chance to realize the depth of his feelings for her?

Honestly I loved this story, even as we could see the trauma coming for Kaia like a train coming down a tunnel and just knew it was going to hurt. Kaia is obviously very inexperienced with men in general, but definitely with vampires, and Orion is just beyond her in so many ways. She wants to do good and I loved her gentleness even in the face of his nastiness in a lot of the moments when he was being a total dick to her, because it was obvious she knew he needed her love. But the important thing to note is that while she is gentle and loving, much like the ocean’s embrace can offer peace, she is also deadly and dangerous to her enemies and has a strength and steadiness that perfectly balances the craziness that is Orion. Orion has been one of my favorite assholes in this series for sure, crazy in the best of ways, but I never realized he would be a total jerk when the time came. But I suppose lashing out because of his irrational fears his a male trait no matter the species. When he was under Kaia’s inadvertent magic he was sweet, loving, caring, and attentive to his mate, and it is entirely possible that he would have chosen to be so on his own, but we can also see that his rage and outlandishness was missing. Once he is totally free from compulsion though I found myself wanting to slap him more than once (which means that Marie did her job as author a little too well) as he repeatedly broke Kaia’s heart and pulled at her emotions. I am glad that they both finally found their balance and the truth of their connection before it was too late and that by using that connection they realized they were the only ones that could really stop the evil her mother was trying to bring into the realm. The passionate connection between these two was apparent from the very beginning, and while sweet during the time he was bespelled, just fired up exponentially when Orion was finally himself and became the feral vampire he truly is. I have really connected with this series now and cannot wait for the next one where Orion’s best friend Kraft will finally feel the whammy of love and get his comeuppance when he is faced with the mate he never thought he wanted and the others can torment him, like he has done with them. Marie Harte has another magical masterpiece on her hands and though this series obviously has a limited number of stories already built in (due to the nature of the Night Bloode Clan) I hope for many future spin-off series!