A review by tee_tee_lou_lou
Real Like Daydreams by Julia Wolf


5 beautifully broken stars

Seraphina and Julien.
What a fantastic and heartwarming conclusion to what would have to be one of my favourite series of the year.

Im so glad that Julien got a story of his own, after falling in love with him in "bright like midnight" and having my heart break when he had his accident, I was so happy for him to get his happy ending... I NEEDED him to have it.
This book has some great tropes in it:
✔️Secret identity via text messages
✔️A bet
✔️Fake relationship (that wasn't so fake)
✔️Scarred and grumpy hero
✔️Sweet and soft heroine

Julien and Sera had a brief meeting in the shadows of a party and you just knew the spark was there, and although he gave her his number it was really the wrong timing, Sera had a boyfriend and following their encounter Julien had his accident.
It was months before he messaged her and they became fast friends via text, he knew who she was but she only knew him as "the Phantom", regardless they formed a connection and the story truly begins.......

At the mention of a bet I was internally screaming and was really ready to dislike Sera if she dared to hurt Jules that way, thankfully she's too nice and honest to have been capable of taking that road and I was greatful, my like for Sera only grew from there, I loved that she actually had alot of confidence to tell Julien what shes thinking and feeling outloud no matter how they left her feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed, even though she lacked that ability with her family. She was soft and sweet but Julien really helped her come into her own.

Julien was a little buised and cracked, but not broken. I really felt his pain for what he'd been through and his anger at life in general, he was so grumpy in the beginning. As things developed with Sera he was soft as butter and I started to see glimpse of the guy we first saw in book 2. I just adored him.

They were so perfect for each other, they have both been into the darkness, both took different paths at different times to get there but only someone who has been into the abyss can truly understand how cold and lonely it can be, darkness knows darkness after all.
Reading how they helped draw eachother away from the dark and into the light was beautiful. They both had such patience and care for eachother when they needed it to deal with all those tricky outside factors in their lives and in navigating their relationship.

It was also kinda awesome to discover how much Julien was into Sera from that first encounter, I loved that.
I had so many feels throughout this book, there where some truly beautiful moments, some sad ones too, and lots of happiness. Really fantastic book and I cant wait to read what comes next with Savage Academy.

"Imperfection meeting imperfection, flawlessly."

They really where a beautifully real daydream ❤️