A review by mbfeeney
Dinner with a Vampire by Abigail Gibbs


*Disclaimer - I haven't fully finished reading this book yet, but I will*

"The sexiest romance you'll read this year" - I highly doubt that.

I was told about this book by a friend on Facebook. I admit to being impressed when I found out that the author is only 18 and that she wrote the book when she was 15, and I was also a little jealous (who wouldn't be knowing she'd been picked up out of obscurity after posting it on a story sharing website?)

I picked the book up the week it was released yet didn't start reading it straight away. When I did start, I really struggled to get into it.

Firstly, let me say that I am impressed that a 15 year old was able to weave together a story such as this. The whole history of the vampires that she has conjured up is actually brilliant. She hasn't slipped into the trap of relying on other author's ideas of vampire lore.

I have to admit, that's where my admiration pretty much ends. I've finally worked out why I am struggling with the book. Violet Lee, the main character. I really don't like her. She's spoilt, mouthy, and a bit of a brat. I understand that she's had a fairly privileged upbringing as the daughter of a prominent politician, but that's no excuse to act the way she does.

Yes, she's taken away from her life 'against her will', but she felt very 2 dimensional to me. Also, Stockholm Syndrome. Really? After just a few months. From what I've read about the condition, it takes YEARS for that kind of attachment to develop, so I found that very unbelievable.

Kaspar... to me, he's Edward Cullen with royal blood and a libido. He looks down on Violet, yet is incredibly attracted to her. Again, very 2 dimensional, and I felt I had come across this type of character before.

The overall feel of the book makes it very obvious that it has been written by someone quite young. Like i said, the paranormal side of the story is very well done, in my opinion, but the interaction and the romance is very stilted.

I can understand why Gibbs has so many "fans" over on Wattpad and was chosen to be published, but I feel the editors needed to do more with the story as it came across as a young girl's ideas of romance that don't have much substance through lack of experience. (Obviously, I don't know the author so this is mere speculation).

I know this is the first in a series, but I doubt I will read the rest. Unfortunately.

*Read this review and others over at http://michbookreviews.wordpress.com