A review by blodeuedd
Dirty Bastard by Jessica Clare


Knox was so dang sweet! Omg this guy was wonderful, so freaking sweet and just, dang.
While Lexie was, ha, not a people person. She was goth, she liked to scared children, she spoke her man. She was a sarcastic prickly thing. I liked her.

He is 23, she is 28. She is jaded, and well so is he in a way, but he makes up for it by sheer enthusiasm. She is friends with his brothers gf and so they meet and get it on.

As the blurb does not say more I will not spoil things. But he wants her and he will try and catch her. I loved that about him. He was the sweetest and awwww. While she will try and get away cos dang that woman has issues! I get that you wanna be independent and do things yourself. But it is not weak to ask for help! And trust me, there is this situation where she so needs help and I want to smack her over the head. I get why the author made her that way, but arghhhh, you frustrating woman! You do not deserve this sweet guy!

Tension, passion and a good chase. I enjoyed it!

I liked Rebecca Estrella, she is good with range and emotion.
As for Rudy Sanda I had the same problem as in a previous books. I get that Knox is a redneck hillbilly, but why make him and his brother sounds SO hillbilly. It is not sexy, I did not get the shivers then. When they talk, ugh, just no. Run and hide. When he narrates it is much better