A review by readwithpassion
Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler


First of all, a big thank you to my student, Eleni, for giving me this book as a gift for the holidays! I have the best students ever.

Sarah Ockler is an amazing writer. She seems to capture grief in an incredibly realistic, gut-wrenching manner. Delilah Hannaford travels to her grandparents' house after her grandmother's death. She hasn't visited her grandmother since her grandfather's death, when her family had a huge argument that divided them. Delilah feels broken because she missed out on a relationship with her grandmother, her mother doesn't pay attention to her, her boyfriend is a jerk, and she can't seem to stop getting into trouble.

When she reconnects with Patrick, her best friend at the age of eight, everything seems to be perfect, yet she seems to tumble downhill emotionally, and she becomes even more unsure of herself.

I absolutely loved this book. The character development and emotional portrayal is remarkable. The only reason I gave it four stars (rather than five) is that it may teach teens a moral that I am trying to break them of: Love doesn't have to hurt. Delilah feels an incredible amount a pain that made my heart ache. I worry that some teens might read this book and think that it is okay to be in a relationship that brings them pain and anguish. Teenage relationships should be fun and beneficial. Overall, positive relationships should bring joy, and at some points toward the middle/end of the novel, I don't think this is the case for Delilah.