A review by chelsealouise
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi


5/5 Stars: ‘Before the Coffee Gets Cold’ (Book #1 of ‘BTCGC’) by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.
→ Age Range: Adult.
→ Genre: Fantasy, Magical Realism.
→ Trigger Warnings: Dementia, Mental Illness, Death.

In-depth Rating:
→ Plot: ★★★★★
→ Character Development: ★★★★★
→ Setting: ★★★★★
→ Entertainment Level: ★★★★★
→ Writing: ★★★★★

General Comments: There is nothing over the top or eccentric about the novel; but it provides a thought-provoking and, at times, a tear-jerking realisation about what we would say if we were to travel back in time. As the layers are peeled back, the book reveals a far more earnest beating heart. What evolved the rating was the clever way in which the book subtly eases background characters into the foreground.

Favourite Quote: ‘At the end of the day, whether one returns to the past or travels to the future, the present doesn’t change.’

Time Read: Five Days.
→ Audiobook: No.
→ Audiobook Narrator: -