A review by bookbriefs
The Promise by Apryl Baker


The Promise grabbed me right from the start! I was so engrossed in the book that I stayed up super late so I could find out it's secrets. I love a good mystery story, and a magical mystery is even better! I went into this book expecting to like it, but I finished it LOVING it! I love it when books surprise you in the best ways.

CJ was such an awesome main character. She is so fiery and full of life. And persistent- that girl would just not give up! I loved her spunk and I also really liked Kay. Even though the whole book I thought I should be wary of her, I just couldn't help it. That girl has a charming way about her, and she really was loyal. Also my love for Jeff might have rivaled my love for CJ's spunkiness. Jeff is just so good and loyal and dependable. He is the guy I would want to end up with. I liked him soo much more than Ethan. No contest!

Speaking of Ethan. I didn't like him, not ever. Even when he was being nice, something about him just screamed stay away to me. Nope, I was just not an Ethan fan. I didn't like how crazy CJ went whenever he would show up, but I at least respected that she would admit that she knew she was behaving irrationally. I'm just not a fan when girls go gaga over a guy and they lose their heads. But at least Cj realized that was happening and she tried to think logically.

The plot of The Promise is so riveting that you will not want to put the book down. I would have to force myself to turn my kindle off an go to bed because I had class in the morning. And even then, knowing I would be a walking zombie the next day- I still did not want to stop reading. There are no slow parts at all, or parts that bugged me. I loved the mixture of journal entries, flashbacks to the past. I really like how everything balanced itself out. I think it would be so cool to visit a small town like that. It makes me wondering if similar small towns are hiding such major secrets like this one was with the Coven.

I can't wait to see where this series is going to go next. The Promise is an excellent start to what I am sure is going to be an awesome series!