A review by runa
Evolution's Darling by Scott Westerfeld


That was a weird read. That's really all there is to say. There are some interesting storylines, but a lot of them get dropped and a lot of them have vague resolutions. You can see the early formings of Scott Westerfeld's writing, but the quality definitely goes up in his other novels. I'm probably always going to be kind of annoyed by the fact that we get NO resolution or even mention of the lithomorphs later in the book. Why mention such interesting creatures and set them up to be the big mystery of the story only to completely drop them and settle on a different, less compelling mystery? Meh. The storyline with Vaddum (which ends up becoming the big mystery) does end up carrying the story, and it's interesting enough to get you through the book, but ultimately makes for a lesser story than it could have been. Lots of 'could haves'. Anyways, I'm glad I gave the story a try just to widen my experience with Scott Westerfeld's writing, but it took a while and I'm also glad/relieved to be done.