A review by chaptersbydani
Rewire Your Ocd Brain: Powerful Neuroscience-Based Skills to Break Free from Obsessive Thoughts and Fears by William H. Youngs, Catherine M. Pittman


This book seeks to help folks with ODC by describing the brain function behind OCD as well as suggesting tips to help cope. Overall, I do think this book is helpful and I would suggest reading it if you can borrow it from a local library. My issues with the book:

* short as it is, the book is highly repetitive. I kept double checking to see if my e-book had malfunctioned because entire passages sounded the same just slightly re-worded.
* the science parts were really science-y. It’s not layman friendly despite their target audience. It took me days to get through Part 1 of the book (when traditionally I can get through the same number of pages in less than an hour).
* The solutions are pretty much all of the same ones you’ve heard before if you’ve been to therapy once or twice.
* A couple of the solutions conflicted with the science parts of the book. For example, if you have OCD you’re not supposed to obsess or worry about keeping your mind free/clean from your obsessive thoughts but you should set “obsession free” times during the day?