A review by a_reader_obsessed
Bayou Fairy Tale by Lex Chase


2.5 Stars

I would like to say that this sequel to [b:Americana Fairy Tale|22928119|Americana Fairy Tale (Fairy Tales of the Open Road, #1)|Lex Chase|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408581473l/22928119._SX50_.jpg|42497513] delivered on all the goods, but unfortunately, it fell a bit short.

What this did accomplish though was continuing a fascinating unique world where reincarnated versions of various fairy tale characters we all know and love (or love to hate) exist, and each has a predestined fate to overcome or succumb to.

Corentin and Taylor have already saved humankind once, and they just want to live their lives anonymously with no Enchant interference. Thing is, when you’re a cursed Huntsman who loses his memory every 7 days and a princess who can’t harness the powerful dragon magic of Sleeping Beauty, one is going to inevitably have some issues when living a self imposed bubble of exile, because ignoring a problem never ever erases it.

And boy do these two have some problems. There’s Taylor’s “Snow White” brother Atticus, who’s crazy and missing. There’s the evil witch Idi, who’s bound to make a reincarnated appearance at any moment to wreak more havoc. Don’t forget Corentin’s memory issues and feelings of low self worth and Taylor’s inability to communicate or control his magic. Harsh awful truths are just chomping at the bit to be revealed and once set free, will test both to their limits where nothing will be the same again.

This has a lot of potential, and maybe the final book will be the end all be all, but beware a huge lack of explanation, a dark twisted exploration into legend and lore, and plenty of uncomfortable violence and off putting smexy.

I’ve come this far and I’m going to read the conclusion, but my high hopes and expectations might be just that - a fairy tale - and I’m worried they’re not going to come true.