A review by slbeckmann
Bad Tourist: Misadventures in Love and Travel by Suzanne Roberts


Thank you to the author, University of Nebraska Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book of so-called travel essays did not go down well with me. I didn't care for the self-indulgent tone of a woman who continuously and consciously makes bad choices that put her in harm's way, spends way too much time agonizing about her current and past bed/life partners and does it all from a position of privilege that she seems completely unaware of. The amazing and diverse countries and cultures she visits seem to make little or no impact on her - but then I can only judge by what she has chosen to share in her writing. The editing is erratic at best, and does the writer no favors. All in all, I was glad to have this done with and would not recommend.