A review by kloopo
The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury


A pacy and exciting read, The Sleeping Prince follows on directly from the fantastic Sin-Eater's Daughter. It follows different characters - Lief's sister, Errin, is our protagonist - but ties in with the central fairy-tale, a truly Grimms-esque legend of a sleeping prince who awakens to eat the hearts of maidens... and (of course) reclaim his lost kingdom. Errin, who starts out in a ramshackle village with a mad mother, struggling against poverty, soon finds herself entangled with much more formiddable enemies in a world of war, love and alchemy.

My quibbles: Despite recently reading the previous book in the series, the central fairy tale never felt 100% clear to me, so the revelations at the end were a little overwhelming as I tried to cobble together exactly what the backstory was implying.

My favourite things: Top marks for an original-feeling world. Also, the magnetic Silas, our mysteriously hooded love interest, and the wonderful characterisation of his relationship with Errin. And my obligatory creepy crush, the heart-eating Prince himself, shudder/swoon.