A review by hannahmariebrankley
Gallows Court by Martin Edwards


I picked this book up in The Works, on a 3 for £6.00 offer, last year! This is the book that had been sitting on the shelf. When sorting through my physical TBR pile, I just fancied a crime, mystery, thriller kind of story.

This was so hard to put down each evening.

Set in 1930’s London, a young journalist called Jacob Flint is on the scoop. With a killer or killers on the loose, we also meet Rachel Savernake. Labelled as “no ordinary woman”, she puts Scotland Yard to shame with her detective skills. There is more to Rachel’s story. But with murder by murder occurring as the story unfolds, we also uncover deception and corruption with the truth.

I am really happy to have found Gallows Court. Having never read anything by Martin Edwards, he’s fast become an author I want to read more from. I currently have another book in the Rachel Savernake series. It has also been sitting on my shelf for the last year!

I rate this a massive 5 star read. The plot twists, the character assassinations and the descriptive scenes, make you feel like you are there. Like you’ve bought a paper off a lad in the street. I highly recommend this.