A review by sans
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman, Vol. 5 by Jonathan Hickman


Holy buckets. Ok, as I probably mentioned in a previous review, I've never been one for the family of fantasticalness. But this. Wow. My jaw literally dropped and I had to put the book down for a minute at one point. I sat there staring at my cat, jaw still hanging, mind totally blown, wondering how in the seven hells Hickman came up with this. It shouldn't work. Only it does. It works so. Fucking. Well.

I do think that being able to read this in one go (or three, given my need to go to work and sleep) instead of over months during original single issue publication makes this so story so amazing. It'd be so easy to forget what was going on or get confused all over again if I had to wait several weeks to get to the next chapter. The scope to this story is incredible. I'll be re-reading this and will definitely be including it in my "never sell this unless you are going to be evicted due to having no money" bookcase.