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A review by jodyjsperling
What Jonah Knew by Barbara Graham


WHAT JONAH KNEW is a captivating exploration of grief and loss. Barbara Graham navigates an exceptional story showing so much restraint. You'll be driven to read just one more page all night until the book is finished, but not because each chapter ends with a cliffhanger.

Instead, WHAT JONAH KNEW is a paced, deeply inquisitive, character exploration with a murder mystery at its heart. The novel takes time to build scene and setting, but knows exactly when to drop an action-packed moment for an adrenaline reload.

I was amazed by how deftly Graham juggled two mothers who are at the heart of the book, and two sons who are the focus of the book. All four are wonderfully developed and leap of the page so you feel you know them as friends.

The only stumbling point for me came near the end when a bit of withheld information jarred me from the story for a beat. And if you have to get that nitpicky to find anything wrong with a book, that should say all you need to know about how urgently you need to buy this novel and read it!