A review by flowersofquiethappiness
Invisible by Marni Bates


I read Ms. Bates YA debut Awkward last year and absolutely loved it! So I was quite excited when I learned she was planning to make it into a series. I was waiting for the right moment to read this one and oh my goodness, I was not disappointed at all! The hilarity of the first book was continued here and I giggled my way through the story in a matter of hours. In fact, I stayed up way too late to finish it it all in one go. I know it's a great story when I can't put it down. :)

Poor Jane. You know that phrase "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"? She learns exactly how true that is! Feeling left behind, she decides to make some changes. And boy does that one little decision get the ball rolling downhill and at top speed! Jane is sarcastic, hilarious, friendly, and just a really nice person. She's a great girl, only she doesn't realize it. Her shyness and desire to stay in the background hinders other people from seeing her real self. But she slowly finds her way into accepting herself and her friends for who they are. Her slow emerging into someone that she's not afraid to let others see was well crafted. She doesn't make one decision and suddenly become a whole new person. She's always been that person, she just never knew it.

The guy who pushes her out of her shadows and keeps her on her toes, the girl she thought hated her who ends up helping her out, her best friends who seemingly forget she exists, they each have their spot in Jane's life and they're all great secondary characters. But really, this is Jane's story alone. She has to learn to call the shots in her own life, and to accept the consequences of her own actions, whether bad or good. While there is a little romance here, mostly it's a story of friendship and finding oneself.

Overall, this is a cute and funny story. There were a few moments near the end where I felt things were wrapped up a little too quickly and easily. Especially considering all of Jane's analyzing and worry over some situations. But those were small irritations and mostly I was smiling ridiculously while reading it. A light, quick read that promises lots of laughter and fun! Good for entertainment with not much depth and perfect for the beach. :)