A review by alongreader
The Strangeworlds Travel Agency by L.D. Lapinski


Flick's new town is turning out to be much, much worse than her new one. Until she stumbles upon the Strangeworlds Travel Agency. A meeting place for the multiverse, where every case brings you to a new and fascinating world. And every world is in danger...

This is the first in what promises to be a brilliant new series. It has the right mix of humour, action and magic; if there was just a tiny bit more banter I'd believe this was a Skulduggery Pleasant book. Flick is a great main character, Jonathan a fantastic mix of mentor and sidekick. The main story wraps up nicely, but there are enough threads left - including a few that, I'll admit, I was shouting at the page about - for at least two or three more books, and hopefully more beyond that. This series could run for a while and I hope it does. It's going to be a good one.


The porch had a bit of an overhang, to shelter people from rain, and once under it Flick felt as if she was standing in a little cocoon. She brushed a hand against the sandy brickwork, and some of the dusty masonry clung to her fingers. She rubbed it off on the outside wall. It was dented, and scratched. It had also been vadalised - the letters were scoured as though they had been attacked with a chisel. Flick could just make out the letters: 'ociety'.

She studied the big bay window. The glass, shining in the sunlight, seemed to look back at her. And Flick realised the shop wasn't really so grubby, after all.

It was...sort of beautiful. Like a book that's been read so many times the cover has fallen off and the pages have started to curl, or a soft bear that's had all its fur loved away.

Flick felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. There was a soft, affectionate feeling growing in her chest that she couldn't explain. Like the feeling you get when you see a photograph of a person taken before you met them. You recognise them, and you know you're going to meet them someday, but it's as though they're not quite...ready. Not yet.

She put a hand on the door and pushed.