A review by kit10zero4
Divided by Evangeline Anderson


****Spoiler Free******

Ah, Twin Kindred. Be still my heart. It's intriguing the way Ms. Anderson handles twins, one dare and one light. If you're familiar with the series, then you already know about Twin Kindreds from Lock and Deep. Their book was an example of how it's supposed to be. Far and Truth are an example of how things don't always go according to plan. They didn't bond, they hate each other. Becca believes she can choose between the men.

#1) Um, why would you want to?

#2) Even if they do hate each other, Far and Truth are Twin Kindred. I don't understand how Becca thought she could get around bonding the way nature created them to.

Lucky for all three, fate steps in.

Ms. Anderson has a gift for crafting believable dialogue, dynamic characters, and smoking hot love scenes. The Kindred series is fantastic and hasn't lost momentum like some series' do. I'm excited to see more of Ms. Anderson's Kindred books in the future.