A review by tiffkate
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek


This is (as Simon Sinek's writing is) very profound. The research Simon shares in this book is both mind-blowing and sobering. My viewpoint does differ from Simon's in that I believe in a sovereign God who created the universe and Simon writes from the position of evolution, but I can follow his findings and see how they point them back to the God who created relationships and the concept of trust. As someone who is not in a technical leadership position, I still drew wisdom from reading this. After all, as Simon reminds us, we all have a responsibility to lead in some capacity, because leadership is not ultimately about rank - it is about the people under you, and whether or not you are willing to serve them. Read this if you are an executive, employee, or even a student - there is something for all of us to learn about looking out for others above ourselves.