A review by ashlikesbooks
Dark Eden by Patrick Carman


***I do my reviews in the form of questions***

What made me pick this book up:
I have no idea where this book even came from. I've had it on my bookshelf forever.

What did I like about the cover:
I like that the letters look like they're spray painted on the wall. That's about it.

What made me read this book:
I guess I just got tired of seeing it on my bookshelf... Just kidding. Like I said, it's been on my shelf for forever, and it matched for a task. So I figured it was time. The synopsis also sounded pretty unique.

What did I like the most:
Well the mystery of it really. I wanted to keep reading for two reasons. The first because I wanted to find out what everyone's fears were. I just had to know what had them so terrified that they had to be "cured". The second thing I needed to know was what happened when they were cured and how the cure worked. I just had to know!

What didn't I like:
I really wanted to like this book. But I could not connect with the characters at all. And the ending was just plain weird. So so so so weird. It didn't match the book at all. It just didn't make any sense. I feel like this book could have been so much more than it was.

Would I read the rest of the series/more from this author?
Nope, I have no desire to read the rest of the series at all. It was just too weird.

I really expected more, and it just fell short.