A review by miss_merna
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand


I still can’t say I’m big fan of the unearthly series after finishing the second book. It’s quite an average book in every level. It might have been a little pleasurable read. Though, I was still unable to present this book with 4 stars because that would mark the book’s rating evenly alongside of ‘Daughter of smoke and bone’. And ‘Daughter of smoke and bone’ is presently holding the position for favourite angel book for me. So, it was fairly impossible for the unearthly series to steal that spot.

If I were to rewind about five years into the past, when I first began reading, I would have presented this book with a glowing review. I would have said it was: incredible/ passionate/addictive. Now, five years on, my mind has expanded to what I truly consider is an astonishing - well written series. Maybe, I just don’t think that angels being sent a purpose which they have to fulfil is that…clever. It’s too simple. I suppose, the book is aiming at simplicity. Maybe, I like reading more of dense plotted books. Not always however, occasionally the book can just be amazingly enjoyable and it would earn 5 stars, instantly.

Hollowed was average. It didn’t offer anything new I haven’t seen in YA genre before. Such as: Jealouse boys fist-fighting each other, a girl confused with who she should choose, and a tragedy that’s meant to make our heart ache. (It didn’t.)

One vital problem I had with hollowed – Okay, it wasn’t a very serious problem was Tucker. I can’t clarify why but he annoyed me so badly, every time he appeared, I had to hold the urge to tear the pages apart.

And his name.

I just hate his name. It reminds me of Kentucky chicken. Not to stay Kentucky chicken isn’t yummy, but it just doesn’t evoke the same feeling of yumminess for a name. If you get me.

It’s my opinion, but Christina understands Clara much better. I know everyone is hating on Christian because he appears to be the regular YA love interest but read this.

(Reaction to the tragedy) – Spoiler ahead.

When I told Tucker he kept saying he was so sorry, over and over again, and I could tell he didn't know what else to say, how to react to news like this, so I told him I had to go and let him off the hook.

There’s movement outside my window. Christian. I can feel his worry radiating like a heat lamp. He wants to tell me that he understands. He lost his mother too. I’m not alone. But he’s making up his mind not to say those things to me, because he knows that ultimately words are meaningless at times like these. He just wants to sit with me, for hours, if that’s what I need.

Like come on!!

Okay, I shall go read the last instalment in the unearthly series, and I most likely will not be happy with who she ends up with. Nevertheless this book is primarily an entertaining read. Not very a smartly constructed book, but it passes the time for uneventful days.