A review by el393way
The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai


This is a story of women fighting for their rights in a society heavily catering to men. It is not unlike the real fights of women throughout history. It has the added aspect of elemental manipulation impacting their fight.

I am giving this book five stars even though I do have a couple issues here and there. My likes far outweigh any minor nitpicking.

What I absolutely loved:

1. This book has such good female representation. Some authors think they write female characters well but these truly are well written. There are so many distinct characters that are given complex, realistic backgrounds, personalities, obstacles, etc. It’s not completely one thing. Queer issues are brought up naturally and fit into the world that is not queer. You see characters who are straight, queer, accepting, indifferent, bigoted, violent, peaceful, confident, insecure, and everything in between.

2. The fantasy elements were fun and interesting. The elemental manipulation is done in a lot of stories and can sometimes feel obviously influenced/inspired. This felt thought out and fitting of the world it’s in.

3. The world building is satisfying. It it detailed enough to imagine the locations without being overdone and excessive.

4. So many other little things worked together to where I finished the book much faster than expected.

My only little, minor, tiny issues:

1. I didn’t love Nehal. I like the idea of the spitfire using her status and privilege to help her cause. She was very selfish and annoying at times. I guess that does fit her character though. She does start to recognize this at the very very end so that’s why it doesn’t bother me as much as it could.

2. I prefer when series of any kind have some resolution in each book. I don’t love when I finish a book, especially one that’s 400ish pages and am left with so many loose ends that won’t get tied up until the next book. I find that doesn’t bother a lot of people but it’s something that always annoys me. I feel more like a finished a dramatic chapter than a whole book.

Overall I still loved this book and will sit impatiently waiting for the next installment. Thanks to NetGalley for providing an ARC for me to read and review.