A review by mccartershanon
Watcher in the Woods by Robert Liparulo


Okay so here’s the thing; this book did do a better job of hooking me in to the story……. So why did my rating go down half a star? Well, the read was still rather dry and, honestly, so little happens that I almost jut think that it didn’t need to be its own book. House of Dark Shadows was intriguing because we didn’t know what was up, but Watcher in the Woods was just tedious and repetitive which is truly unfortunate because I still find myself wanting to know what is going to happen next.

The story is still told in third person limited, but this time it’s told from David’s perspective. I wasn’t sure about it at first but as the story unfolded I began to see why the author did this; Xander was left pretty messed up after seeing his mom get kidnapped and didn’t always have the best judgment. David, however, managed to keep a level head and allowed us to see an unbiased view of the events. Watcher in the Woods picks up about an hour after the mother is taken and the whole book only takes place in the span of a few days. Here lies my problem; a lot happens and nothing happens in a short amount of time. It’s played out like all this crazy stuff went down, but once you cut out everything that was repeated and take out all the fluff that doesn’t have anything to do with the overall plot, you’re not left with much. I was also kind of disappointed in the ending but I will talk more about that in my spoiler video (the link is on my blog).

Overall, this book was kind of under whelming; it wasn’t bad but it didn’t do all that much for me. I’m still on the fence about whether or not I want to continue with this series………. but if nothing else is available at the library, I probably will.

(This review can also be found on my blog! The link is in my profile)