A review by shelfaddiction
Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways by Traci E. Hall, Traci Hall


I picked this up as a freebie on Kindle. The summary seemed interesting enough. I wasn’t expecting much, but this book was pretty good. The genre is YA. The main character Rhiannon, a young girl who is moved from her home in Vegas to a small town in the middle of nowhere. Her parents moved the family hoping that she could have a “normal” high school experience. Rhiannon is Wiccan, and she hides a lot about herself and her family because she is fearful that if it gets out they are “witches” that she will be ridiculed to no end. Rhiannon aka Rhee starts her freshman in high school off to a rough start. Basically she’s being bullied by the twin sister of this guy she has a crush on. This starts because the bully, Janet is basically jealous of her city style and just the fact that she doesn’t blend with the rest of them. It’s pretty pathetic, but I guess that is how petty ninth graders are.

In addition to the boy she likes, the bully at school, she also has to deal with missing her friends, making new friends, missing the institute and the two ghosts in her bedroom…it’s quite a lot for a 14 year old to deal with. Upon trying to help the ghost cross over, she uncovers all kind of secrets about the Jared and Janet’s family. Her old friends from Vegas beg her to get help dealing with the ghosts, but of course she wants to do it on her own and we all know where that will lead. Trouble. In the end, her old teachers show up and help her save the day. Turns out her parents knew the whole time about one of the ghost. You know, a happy go lucky ending, typical for most YA books.

The characters are colorful and interesting, especially Rhiannon’s mother. She’s hilarious. Overall, the book was good, but I’m not sure I’ll read the next in the series unless that is also free.