A review by jaywhygeereads
The Gargoyle from General Management by Kate Prior

emotional funny hopeful reflective fast-paced


4.5 ⭐️/5
3.0 🌶️/5
Single POV
Workplace romance 
Strangers to coworkers with benefits 
Praise, praise, praise!
I flipping loved this!! 🥰🥰 combine paranormal/mythological beings with everyday ho-hum life (Gwen is from Monsters Resources, you know like Human Resources but for monsters). There is humor interwoven with spice, emotional bonding, and the everyday struggle of imposter syndrome in a corporate 9-5 world. Highly recommend to anyone who loves a modern day workplace romance with a monster setting (think Monsters Inc universe but for adults).  
Gwen might be the character I've most identified with out of all the books I've read. Sure, she is siren, a fact she hides from her coworkers and other monsters/humans because of harmful siren stereotypes and misconceptions. Gwen is also an introvert who prefers to work from home over going into the office, not being on camera during team seances (think: zoom, teams, etc.), and the exhaustion it takes just to talk to people. Aside from being a siren, yes, same, Gwen! 
I love when she meets Vlad at the airport, because despite their opposite attire (her comfy sweats/messy bun versus his pressed suit) there is instant spark and attraction between them. Vlad is a hot gargoyle, and gargoyles are known as corporate ladder climbers (think Wall St types), which pulls at Gwen's insecurities as a MR professional. Though the premise is "monster" romance the feelings and experiences Kate brings to her characters is very much universally identifiable for us humans. 
Gwen really has to do a lot of reconciling with who she thinks she is and who she should be versus what the world perceives her to be. I think a lot of people can related to insecurities that tend to self-sabotage a relationship. The spicy scenes are hot and very much open door, open public even. 😉 I really loved Vlad as the romantic lead, he was domineering when needed in and out of the office, but also is the epitome if they don't love you at your worst...
Props to Kate for creating such a touching and entertaining world and characters. I read The Orc from the Office but missed Love, Laugh, Lich so I will go back and read that. The series are interconnected and build upon each other but are standalones. I can't wait to see what happens next. 
Thank you to Kate for the ARC! My review is voluntarily provided and all thoughts/opinions are my own.