A review by lauralovesreading21
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl


The Lost Girls is a vampire revenge story that includes a small sprinkling of romance. This story follows Holly, Rose and Ida who were all turned into vampires by who they thought was their true love at the time, Elton. All were wooed, turned into vampires and subsequently dumped by Elton to figure out the life of immortality on their own. It follows the three girls as they plot to kill Elton and their journey to doing so.

I actually really enjoyed this story, I was afraid going into this that it would be hard to read and a bit juvenile but it definitely wasn’t that. When we first met Rose and Ida I found Ida to be rude, arrogant and annoyingly sarcastic but she definitely grew on me.

Then we met Stacey, wow did she really play on the vampire stereotype in movies and books to get through her miserable existence following holly around everywhere. Imagine having to go everywhere your maker went? I’d just ask them to end me instead of having to go through that the rest of my life. Nah uh no thank you.

Parker was adorable. I did not expect what happened in the end with her already making her heirloom. What a badass moment that was when holly killed Elton. Ooo he deserved it too.

I did feel bad for Frankie and do kind of wish in the end they let him join them so he could ditch Gwen (fucking hell what a bitch she was, if I came across her in an alley I’d regret my choices immediately) but I’m glad he was able to cut ties with Elton too. Which I guess wasn’t too difficult seeing as he was dead.

The only criticism is the way Holly would constantly go on about the fact she was a vampire and the phrase ‘I’m dead’ ‘we are dead’. I know. I read the blurb where it mentioned you were a vampire so I was already very clear and the constant reiteration just felt like Edward in Midnight Sun and his favourite line he repeated throughout the book. But other than that I did really enjoy the book.
