A review by lunasmaria
Smart Women Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams by David Bach


4.5 Stars

When women take the classes, they study, read and ask questions. Their goal is to become educated - to learn the techniques of managing their own finances. It's not to prove to everyone else in the class that they're smarter than the instructor.

I love David Bach and I love that he had the fore-thought to make a book catered to women - when I say that I mean to things that I relate to as a woman. I care about maternity leave and not working while raising a child as much as I imagine the child-rearer of the house would.

It 's downside falls in the American financial realm so some of the practical know-how goes over my head but the general tips and the message are well worth reading.

I do suggest reading [b:The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich|621|The Automatic Millionaire A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich|David Bach|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1436792430l/621._SY75_.jpg|806311] first.

If you share your goal with someone you love and he, or she says, "Oh, You can't do that" or "No, that won't work", remember - that person really doesn't know what you can or cannot do. He or she knows only what he or she can or cannot do.

You can be either reactive or proactive to circumstances. And it's a lot more fun and a lot less painful to be proactive - to make decisions about your life before events take control of you.