A review by agirlandherlibrarian
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara


(YouTube Review due to be released 29.4.21 - here: https://youtu.be/NC_EJKzlgb8)

I made it 27% of the way through the book before giving up, again. It's no good, I just cannot get through the minefield of information that doesn't really give me any idea of the world I am thrown into. I understand the premis of where the girl and her two companions are going, but with a lot of new words to digest and understand like 'fiefdom' etc., it's a little higgeldy piggedly... I honestly don't care about the group, I am a little intrigued about the character 'Nightshade' who runs the Nightshade Fiefdom and what's going on there, but not enough to keep reading. I wonder if I will ever try again, but I doubt it, sometimes books with large worlds gel quickly, sometimes they don't, but nearly 1/3rd of the way through the book I expected to be less in the dark about where I was than I actually was, if that makes sense.

Sorry, but I couldn't get into this book at all. Despite trying 3 times.