A review by netslummer
Let Your Hearts Be Light by Fae Quin


Baxter Baker is many things: a single father, a gay man doing his best to raise his deceased sister's daughter, unsurprisingly a baker, the friendliest guy in town and secretly hiding his sadness behind his smiles.
When Baxter's daughter Becca signs him up for The Christmas Buddies program at school (a program that pairs single parents to encourage fun mixed family holiday events) of course he is paired with the unfriendly Paxton Montgomery. The one guy in town that always seems to hate Baxter.
Paxton is a grouch. He's grumpy and doesn't much care for people. Especially Baxter Baker with his constant smiles. Ugh. But he would do anything for his son Nathan. When Nathan signs them up for The Christmas Buddies program as a way to get closer to that girl he has a crush on, Becca Baker, Paxton goes along with it purely for his son.
You can see where this is going.
This was a very cute medium burn romance between two single dads. Grumpy x sunshine where sunshine is maybe a mask. It was really cute watching the four interact together and grow closer together as almost a family unit. The sex scenes were almost jarring in comparison to the sweetness of the rest. They felt tonally out of place a bit. I'm ace though so who am I to judge? A very cute holiday romance that I'd definitely recommended.