A review by arthistorygirl
Love, Christmas - Movies You Love by Tamara Ferguson, Katy Walters, Jen Talty, Traci E. Hall, Jacquie Biggar, Ev Bishop, Nancy Radke, Susan Jean Ricci, Donna Fasano, Rebecca York, Alicia Street, Stephanie Queen, Leanne Banks, Cynthia Cooke, Alyssa Bailey, Dani Haviland, Mona Risk, Suzanne Jenkins, Stacy Eaton, Natalie Ann, Rachelle Ayala, Taylor Lee, Mimi Barbour, Aileen Fish, Joan Reeves


Love, Christmas-Movies You Love is the second book in The Holiday Series. This is an anthology that the stories are inspired by Christmas movies. Each of the stories are on average 8-10 chapters and read quickly. The first story in the book caught my eye immediately being inspired by "It's a Wonderful Life". "A Wonderful Life" by Mimi Barbour is a sweet, heartwarming story where Clarence comes back to help Bedford Falls. I enjoyed this story because it kept the wholesome sweetness the movie had going. I also enjoyed the story "The Holiday" by Nancy Radke. I am still working my way through the anthology and will give myself a little Christmas treat here and there to get myself in the holiday mood. This is a fun collection and if you like Christmas movies you will enjoy this fun treat of many stories to choose from.