A review by winterpirate
Ablutions by Patrick deWitt


One of the dullest things you could probably ever find to read, but still not a complete waste of time.

Ablutions follows a bartender, YOU, working in a degenerating Hollywood bar. You observe the patrons who are also rapidly degenerating, and reflect on your life, which is also falling apart.

You find this book kind of boring and unimportant, but you keep reading because you want to know at what point the 2nd person perspective will make you actually feel something for the characters. You learn early on that you will never feel anything for any of the characters and you consider quitting the book before its end, but it is only 100 pages long and you think you are falling "platonically in love with" the author. So you finish it and you wonder at the lingering feeling of disappointment but know that you will still read his next books because [b:The Sisters Brothers|9850443|The Sisters Brothers|Patrick deWitt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1291999900s/9850443.jpg|14741473] and [b:Undermajordomo Minor|25089757|Undermajordomo Minor|Patrick deWitt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1425914522s/25089757.jpg|44778737] were so good, and because it's hard to find this particular brand of odd anywhere else. You wonder if this book wasn't really bad, you were just the wrong reader for it.