A review by misterintensity
Most Likely by Sarah Watson


Ava, CJ, Jordan, and Martha are four best friends who are high school seniors. Thirty years from now, one of them will be President of the United States and married to a man named Diffenderfer. Before that happens each must go through a challenging senior year. Okay, the future president thing is gimmicky but it is a hook that gets readers interested in this story about four best friends trying to get through senior year of high school. These kids do feel like college bound seniors who are uncertain about what's next in their lives. The road to college may not be as expected. It is actually refreshing having 17-18 year old characters who aren't certain about what they are going to do with their lives. The friendship at the center of this book is a strong loving relationship. Even the girls' romantic relationships develop at a believable pace. While there's one plotline that was a bit uncomfortable and it's resolution didn't quite work, it is easy to get into each girl's story. Other books about high school female friendships include Lauren Myracle's Internet Girls series and Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee.

Thanks Edelweiss+ for providing an ARC.