A review by joelteon
The Blood Curse: Gardens of War & Wasteland Book II by Jessica A. McMinn


I received an eARC in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

Jessica A. McMinn’s writing feels like coming home after a long day. It is so impressively comforting even when delving into the darkest aspects of fiction. There are very few authors who make me feel like I am reading about people I actually know and care about. Jessica is now one of those few.

The Blood Curse is the second novel in the Gardens of War & Wasteland quartet and it is extremely important that you’ve read The Ruptured Sky. That might be obvious with a second book, but sometimes it needs to be said. Once again we share the headspace with four characters: Amika, Kio, Rei and Kriah. Shit has quite literally hit the fan as Rei and Amika attempt to hunt down Kio and save him from exile.

“‘You grieve all you need to. But then I need you to turn it inward, sharpen it into hate, and help me destroy every last witch-fucking Siephymn farm on this witch-fucking Waste so no one has to suffer as she has.’”

This time around my favouritism of Amika and Rei was surpassed by Kio. The journey he went through in this book was brutal, dark and vivid. I was cheering for him to succeed at every turn.

Unfortunately even with three outstanding POVs I still had to contend with Kriah who I just despise for some reason. I didn’t want to know about him at all and I found his obsession grating. It takes some supreme skill to write such a captivating character even when I didn’t like him. Luckily his side of the story might carry the most pivotal plot points for the overarching story being told.

Meanwhile Amika and Rei had a fabulous journey and we got to learn so many juicy details about them both. I was so happy with a very early discovery about Amika that will be crucial to her story. These old friends are the perfect crutch for each other and I really hope they never have to go their seperate ways.

“‘…That’s why we took this place as our base. To draw strength from the suffering of those we liberated – and rage from those we didn’t.’”

The Blood Curse is a master-class in character. But it doesn’t end there. Jessica writes thrilling prose, intense action and snappy dialogue. The series’ villain, Azet’haal, is an excellent addition who cranks the tension way up in every scene. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about his plans and seeing his minions put to work.

There is no middle book slump in this second book in the Gardens of War & Wasteland quartet. Jessica has only gone from strength to strength, providing an epic and engaging tale. I would like to make one comparison here and that is to another indie fantasy master, Krystle Matar. Although everything about these two author’s respective series is a world apart, I was enthralled in a way that I haven’t felt since reading Krystle’s Tainted Dominion novels. Both of these authors have written real, deep and damaged characters in a world that only seeks to tear them down, but they do everything they can to reject this notion against all odds.

Put in your preorders now because The Blood Curse comes out on March 30th 2024. And if you haven’t read The Ruptured Sky pick that up now and get ready for this incredible story.

Deities dead!

Rating: 5/5