A review by slc333
The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker


This book is a good example of why I still plough through the many less than ideal free e-books available. Because every now and then you come across a good one like this, and if you're lucky it leads you to a new series. I liked Mattie and I was quite pleased that the relationship between Mattie and Dan was not a romantic one (given that Dan is adopted I am actually wondering if Mattie & Dan are related in some fashion - perhaps half sibs through Mattie's unnamed father). I thought Mattie's lack of trust in pretty much everyone was very believable given her life experiences to date but it is nice that Dan is there for her. What I found a little odd was Mattie's romantic prospects. First there is boyfriend Jake and it seemed as though he was going to be the one when Dan and Mattie weren't attracted to one another that way ( and Mattie on numerous occasions stated there was no tinlgle with Dan like there was with Jake).
Spoiler but then suddenly Jake is no longer on the table and we have Dan's college friend Mason who appears and disappears just as quickly , only to be replaced weirdly by ghost Eric as one of 2 people who make Mattie feel safe - even though he was the ghost that attacked her and a far as I can tell they didn't have a relationship in life. Odd
Spoiler I am really hopong Dan & Mattie are related so the no romance thing continues but if they are not hen I am expecting they will get together. Oh and I totally didn't guess who the killer was which is a nice change for me.