A review by tales_of_a_bookbug
The English Duke by Karen Ranney


A good book, but I believe there could have been more.It started off very promising and since I love geeky/intelligent/bluestocking heroines in HR books, I was pretty sure I would love it.
Martha was a really good heroine.She was intelligent,focused and determined.
Jordan was also not a beast or anything like that.He was just a man damaged by his experiences and searching for something in life.Though he appeared a little rude in the beginning, his behavior changes slowly.Their relationship also slowly developed from mutual dislike to one where they respect each other.
But in the last one third of the book, I don't know what exactly happened.The level-headed characters that I loved were acting so differently and weren't thinking their way out of problems.They were so sad and despondent.I guess love is to blame?They could have just communicated with each other properly, or atleast with others!

I pretty much hated Josephine(Martha's sister) and Reese(Jordan's friend) by the end of the book, but I loved reading the chapters from their POVs since it gives us an insight into their motivations and inner workings.Even though Reese is pretty cunning, I loved how he also got snared under Josephine's spell and managed to bring Josephine with him.Even though technically they would never be truly happy with each other, I would still love to see a follow up on them or maybe a cameo in future books.

The part that made me sad was Jordan had noone else for him other than Martha!Atleast Martha had her grandmother on her side, but Jordan didn't even have a loyal friend.I didn't like it when Martha put up with Josephine's antics and even at the end, they let her run free.Pretty shitty if you ask me.
But it was realistic in the fact that we could see the reasons why the characters behaved in certain ways.They all had well developed backstories and events that influenced them.Nobody was a 2d carboard cutout in this and that was my favorite part about this book.
Overall, it was a really good book that pulled me in and made me invested in the characters!The author's writing is also very good and I'll be definitely checking out her other works in the future as they seem very interesting!