A review by k_champagne
Olandon by Kelly St. Clare


Wasn't sure how I felt about Olandon / Tatuma / Tatum before this book. Loyal to his sister - yes. But I think that might be about his only redeeming quality.. or maybe all we knew about him. Well, that & his friendship with Ashawn. Loved that duo.. not too sure why!

Having his own story told changed things - his POV put into perspective what he was dealing with, his own internal conflicts, and insecurities.

I think Jovan and Olandon spoke MAYBE two sentences prior to this.
He shrugged. “If you want, Olina and I can rule your world, too.”
“Over my dead body.” Olandon realized a second later he’d played right into the king’s hands.
Jovan grinned. “Mighty possessive of the job you don’t want.”
Did the brute know the effect he’d just had?
Olandon blinked as a wave of understanding broke over his shoulders. When he thought about giving up control of Osolis, he did feel possessive.
“No one else can do the job as well,” he whispered.

Now I am Team Tatum Landon