A review by sgbrux
Dispel Illusion by Mark Lawrence


Wow! What a story.

Just when I thought I knew where this was headed, Mark dazzles me with something completely unexpected, though he sprinkles in all the clues that make things clear-as-day in retrospect. A couple things I caught and held onto through the three books, fitting them together like small pieces of some fantastic puzzle, but I was so distracted by those flashy glimpses of progress that I failed to see what he was really up to. I’ve been properly bamboozled! But only in the best of ways.

I... I just—I loved all of it.

A truly satisfying ending. I can’t remember being so overcome with hope and all-out joy after reading a series, but I feel both in equal measure at this very moment. I love how I feel after reading it.

Impossible Times was one of those rare stories that fills you up with everything—fear and resignation, angst, sadness, intellect, love... so much love. And finally, that magic called possibility all of us are born with and spend our lives trying to hold close.

The story of Nick and friends is a nested formula, the components being the D&D timeline, the present time, various timelines in the past, paradox and any combination of unknowns—all of these factors easily continuing into perpetuity. I had to wonder several times how it would possibly end. Worried, even. But silly me. This is Mark Lawrence we’re talking about. I’ll happily trust him from here on out.

This was a special story. Nick, Mia, Elton, John, Simon... I adore each of these rascals! What a way to start off the new year.

“The stories of our lives don’t behave themselves; they don’t have clear beginnings, and even death isn’t a clear end. We just do what we can, we take what kindness and joy we find along the way, we ride the rapids as best we’re able.”